Zoe Clews & Associates

What are the Benefits of Seeing a Couples Therapist?



The benefits of relationship counselling will depend on the couple looking for help. The more you and your romantic partner happen to put into your relationship, the better your outcome. If you are hoping to change or improve your relationship satisfaction, you should consider a couples therapist and the following benefits you would experience:


Gain a Better Understanding of Your Relationship


One major benefit of going to couples therapy is that you can start to understand your relationship dynamics. Who has the power, are things balanced, and are you falling into negative communication patterns? If you disagree with common points of strife, you should address those. Looking at the answers to the questions and starting to understand the practices behind your relationship will give you a chance to heal your bond and make it stronger.


Getting an Impartial Opinion


Finding good couples therapists means having someone you can confide in and trust. The therapist will listen to what you’re saying and give you impartial, honest and unbiased feedback. Sometimes hearing someone else telling you what you need to hear is a good way to look at your relationship from a more sober perspective. That neutral party can listen to both sides and see ways to give constructive feedback they can’t achieve on their own. This may be a huge part of what makes a difference. If you have any questions, you need to ask, or if you are thinking about making important choices regarding your relationship, you may want to consult a couples therapist first. They can help with long-term outcomes that may result from a hasty decision. They may even give you advice that may save your marriage or relationship, providing solutions you can’t see on your own.


Creating a Safe Environment for You and Your Partner


Often, when we are dealing with conflict with our partner, the feeling of safety and balance is something both sides struggle with. To truly navigate the conflict, both sides must be willing to open up and be vulnerable and honest. That scares most people, so they employ various coping mechanisms like avoidance or humour to shift the blame or dodge responsibility. Couples therapy provides a safe environment where you have set and enforced boundaries and a neutral third party overseeing the process and intervening when needed. 


You Can Begin to See Another Perspective


Couples therapy often allows two people to find a way with each other and see through your partner’s eyes. It’s common to see things only through your own experience, so you may think your feelings are more important than those of your partner. This has nothing to do with selfishness but rather an ingrained human instinct most people follow blindly. If a therapist is involved, they may give you a chance to objectively look through both sides of the disagreement and avoid miscommunication. You can find a practical way to solve your issues now and in the future.


You Can Overcome Relationship Roadblocks


It may be quite common for relationships to go through hurdles where both parts of a whole are dealing with a specific problem. Maybe it’s about whether or not you want to have children or to figure out a major move in your life that you need to agree upon. It may be the act of purchasing a home together. Whatever the reason, you and your partner are arguing about a certain topic, and you feel you’re not getting anywhere. In these cases, therapy may give you a hand when you most need it. 


©Zoe Clews & Associate